GML 3.2 Encoding Rule


GML 3.2, Annex E

Encoding Rule Identifier

The GML 3.2 encoding rule has the identifier “iso19136_2007”.

Conversion Rules


The following is a list of schema conversion rules that apply to the GML 3.2 encoding rule. These are in addition to the common conversion rules.

Rule Description
rule-xsd-cls-codelist-asDictionary If a the tagged value asDictionary of a code list is not ‘true’, create a global type for the code list; otherwise reference code list values using gml:CodeType
rule-xsd-all-naming-gml Use the naming strategy for schema components as specified by GML 3.2
rule-xsd-cls-noPropertyType If a the tagged value noPropertyType of a feature type, class, data type or union type is ‘true’, the property type creation is suppressed
rule-xsd-cls-byValuePropertyType If a the tagged value byValuePropertyType of a feature type or class is ‘true’, an additional by-value property type is created
rule-xsd-cls-standard-gml-property-types Reuse property types or create anonymous property types according to GML 3.2
rule-xsd-pkg-gmlProfileSchema Include gmlProfileSchema appinfo, if the tagged value is set on the application schema package
rule-xsd-prop-defaultCodeSpace Include defaultCodeSpace appinfo, if applicable
rule-xsd-prop-inlineOrByReference Take tagged value inlineOrByReference on properties into account when setting the type of a property element
rule-xsd-prop-reverseProperty Include reversePropertyName appinfo, if applicable
rule-xsd-prop-targetElement Include targetElement appinfo, if a property is byReference
rule-xsd-cls-global-enumeration Convert enumerations to global types

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If a the tagged value asDictionary of a code list is not ‘true’, create a global type for the code list; otherwise reference code list values using gml:CodeType


Use the naming strategy for schema components as specified by GML 3.2


If a the tagged value noPropertyType of a feature type, class, data type or union type is ‘true’, the property type creation is suppressed


If a the tagged value byValuePropertyType of a feature type or class is ‘true’, an additional by-value property type is created


Reuse property types or create anonymous property types according to GML 3.2


Include gmlProfileSchema appinfo, if the tagged value is set on the application schema package


Include defaultCodeSpace appinfo, if applicable


Take tagged value inlineOrByReference on properties into account when setting the type of a property element


Include reversePropertyName appinfo, if applicable


Include targetElement appinfo, if a property is byReference


Convert enumerations to global types