(since v2.6.0)
This transformation creates OCL constraints in a profile schema to restrict the content of a base schema. The base schema is another application schema for which the profile is defined.
NOTE: This corresponds to the second way of creating a profile, as documented here.
The class for this transformer implementation is de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Transformation.ProfileSchema.ProfileSchemaTransformer
Transformation Rules
(since v2.6.0)
This rule creates OCL constraints to prohibit base schema classes and their properties that are generally out of scope / irrelevant.
- Base schemas are identified via the parameters baseSchemaName, baseSchemaNameRegex, and baseSchemaNamespaceRegex.
- A class or a property of the base schema is out of scope / irrelevant if it does not belong to the profile whose name is given by the parameter profileName.
- OCL constraints are not directly defined on a base schema class. They are created on a subtype of the base schema class, and that subtype belongs to a separate profile schema (identified via parameter profileSchemaName). OCL constraints are not created for enumerations and code lists.
An OCL constraint to prohibit an irrelevant base schema class:
- Is defined on a suppressed (i.e. having tagged value suppress=true) subtype in the profile schema. If such a subtype does not exist yet, it is created (with name prefix defined via the parameter subtypeNamePrefix).
- The constraint is defined as follows:
- Name: {base schema class name} + “_prohibited”
- Status: “Approved”
- Expression: “/*” + {base schema class name} + “ is prohibited.*/ inv: self->isEmpty()”
- Note, however, that the constraint is not created if:
- The base schema class is abstract.
- The base schema class has a direct subtype in the profile schema (identified via parameter profileSchemaName) without tagged value suppress=true. In that case, the base schema class is relevant, i.e. not out-of-scope, since it is part of an inheritance hierarchy for an unsuppressed class of the profile schema. A warning will be logged to describe the situation.
An OCL constraint to prohibit an irrelevant property of a relevant base schema class:
- Is defined for each class in the class hierarchy of the base class, i.e. the base class itself and all its direct and indirect subtypes that 1) are not abstract, 2) are relevant, and 3) belong to the base schema. However, as mentioned before, the constraint is not directly defined on the base class itself. Instead, it is defined on existing unsuppressed subtypes in the profile schema. It is also defined on a subtype in the profile schema that is suppressed. If such a subtype does not exist yet, it is created (with name prefix defined via the parameter subtypeNamePrefix).
- However, the creation of an unsuppressed subtype as well as the addition of the constraint to this type is dismissed if rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes also applies, the base schema class has at least one direct unsuppressed subtype, and the name of the type does not match baseSchemaClassesNotToBeProhibitedRegex (if defined by the configuration).
- The constraint is defined as follows:
- Name: {name of the irrelevant property} + “_prohibited”
- Status: “Approved”
- Expression: “/*” + {name of the irrelevant property } + “ is prohibited.*/ inv: self.” + {name of the irrelevant property } + “ ->isEmpty()”
NOTE: The transformation rule will also add tagged value prohibitedInProfile with value ‘true’ to an irrelevant base class and irrelevant properties of a relevant base class. This tagged value can be of interest for subsequent processing steps, for example when creating Schematron assertions. Property value checks should not be generated for an XML element that represents a type which is prohibited, or for a property that is prohibited. rule-xsd-all-propertyAssertion-ignoreProhibited can be used in such a case; it reads the tagged value.
(since v2.6.0)
This rule creates OCL constraints to prohibit relevant base schema classes that:
- are not abstract,
- are relevant (i.e., they belong to the profile identified via the parameter profileName),
- are neither a code list nor enumeration,
- have at least one direct subtype in the profile schema (which is identified via the parameter profileSchemaName) that is not suppressed (tagged value suppress not set or not equal to true), and
- have names that do not match parameter baseSchemaClassesNotToBeProhibitedRegex (if defined by the configuration).
NOTE: Base schemas are identified via the parameters baseSchemaName, baseSchemaNameRegex, and baseSchemaNamespaceRegex.
An OCL constraint to prohibit such a base schema class:
- Is defined on a suppressed (i.e. having tagged value suppress=true) subtype in the profile schema. If such a subtype does not exist yet, it is created (with name prefix defined via the parameter subtypeNamePrefix).
- The constraint is defined as follows:
- Name: {base schema class name} + “_prohibited”
- Status: “Approved”
- Expression: “/*” + {base schema class name} + “ is prohibited. Use (one of) the following type(s) instead: ” + {list of the names of the direct unsuppressed subtypes from the profile schema} + “*/ inv: self->isEmpty()”
NOTE: The transformation rule will also add tagged value prohibitedInProfile with value ‘true’ to an irrelevant base class. This tagged value can be of interest for subsequent processing steps, for example when creating Schematron assertions. Property value checks should not be generated for an XML element that represents a type which is prohibited. rule-xsd-all-propertyAssertion-ignoreProhibited can be used in such a case; it reads the tagged value.
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String (with Java compliant regular expression)
Default Value: none
Explanation: If this parameter is set, then base schema types whose name matches the regular expression, and which would usually be prohibited as per rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes, will not be prohibited. This can be useful if certain types from the base schema are in fact used by the profile as-is, and thus shall not become prohibited.
This also influences the creation of prohibited constraints for properties of this base type as per rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints. Since rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes would usually prohibit the use of the base type, such constraints would only be created for its subtypes (in the profile schema). However, if this parameter is set and the base type name matches the regular expression defined by the parameter, constraints to prohibit the use of properties from the base type will also be created for that base type.
Applies to Rule(s):
- rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints
- rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: If this parameter is set, the name of a schema must be equal to the value of this parameter, in order to be considered a base schema.
NOTE: To be considered a base schema, a schema must match the requirements of parameter baseSchemaName (if defined in the configuration), parameter baseSchemaNameRegex (if defined in the configuration), and baseSchemaNamespaceRegex (if defined in the configuration).
Applies to Rule(s):
- rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints
- rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String (with Java compliant regular expression)
Default Value: none
Explanation: If this parameter is set, the name of a schema must match the regular expression defined by the parameter value, in order to be considered a base schema.
NOTE: To be considered a base schema, a schema must match the requirements of parameter baseSchemaName (if defined in the configuration), parameter baseSchemaNameRegex (if defined in the configuration), and baseSchemaNamespaceRegex (if defined in the configuration).
Applies to Rule(s):
- rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints
- rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String (with Java compliant regular expression)
Default Value: none
Explanation: If this parameter is set, the target namespace of a schema must match the regular expression defined by the parameter value, in order to be considered a base schema.
NOTE: To be considered a base schema, a schema must match the requirements of parameter baseSchemaName (if defined in the configuration), parameter baseSchemaNameRegex (if defined in the configuration), and baseSchemaNamespaceRegex (if defined in the configuration).
Applies to Rule(s):
- rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints
- rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Name of the profile that a base schema class or property must belong to in order to be considered relevant / not out of scope.
Applies to Rule(s):
- rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints
- rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Name of the schema in which restrictions of base schema types will be created in form of OCL constraints on subtypes of the base schema types.
Applies to Rule(s):
- rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints
- rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes
(since v2.6.0)
Type: String
Default Value: none
Explanation: Prefix that will be added to names of suppressed subtypes created by the transformation rules.
Applies to Rule(s):
- rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints
- rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes
Configuration Example
<Transformer class="de.interactive_instruments.ShapeChange.Transformation.Profiling.ProfileConstraintTransformer" id="TRF_PROFILE_CONSTRAINTS" input="TRF_PROFILE_LOADER" mode="enabled"> <parameters> <ProcessParameter name="baseSchemaName" value="ISO 19115 Edition 1 (Corrigendum 1)"/> <ProcessParameter name="profileSchemaName" value="Metadata Profile"/> <ProcessParameter name="profileName" value="Profile_X"/> <ProcessParameter name="subtypeNamePrefix" value="MDP_"/> </parameters> <rules> <ProcessRuleSet name="trf"> <rule name="rule-trf-cls-createGeneralOutOfScopeConstraints"/> <rule name="rule-trf-cls-prohibitBaseSchemaTypesWithDirectUnsuppressedProfileSchemaSubtypes"/> </ProcessRuleSet> </rules> </Transformer>