The execution of a transformer (e.g. identity and profiler transformation) can include invocation of common pre- and/or postprocessing functionality. A transformer may also explicitly define the schemas that it processes.
The following sections describe which common functionality is available and define how to configure it.
Preprocessing functionality is executed on a model right before the transformer specific processing (e.g. profiling) is invoked.
Currently no specific common preprocessing functionality is available.
Postprocessing functionality is executed on a model right after the transformer specific processing (e.g. profiling) has been completed.
Setting Tagged Values
This function supports setting and re-setting of tagged values for model elements after a transformation.
Filter instructions support the identification of model elements for which a tagged value is to be (re-)set.
It is possible to add a tagged value to a model element without providing an actual value in the configuration. In that case ShapeChange determines if the tagged value already exists. If so, the existing value is kept. Otherwise the tagged value is initialized with the empty string. If the configuration contains a value for the tagged value, it is set.
In order to configure which tagged values to set after a specific transformer has been completed, add a <taggedValues> element as child to the <Transformer> element in the ShapeChangeConfiguration. Within the <taggedValues> element, add one or more <TaggedValue> elements, with the information items described in the following sections.
Type: string
Explanation: Name of the tagged value to (re-)set.
Required / optional: required
Default value: none
Type: string
Explanation: Value of the tagged value.
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none
Model element filter criteria
The attributes described in the following sections represent filter criteria to select relevant model elements. The filter criteria are connected by an implicit AND. If all filters evaluate to true, the model element is a relevant one, i.e. in this case the <TaggedValue> element applies to it.
NOTE: Only model elements from the schemas selected for processing are considered. Furthermore, non-navigable properties are ignored.
Model element name
Type: string with regular expression (using the syntax supported by Java)
Explanation: If the name of a given model element matches the regular expression, this filter criterium evaluates to true.
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none – the model element is assumed to match this filter
Model element type
Type: string – one of:
- Association
- Class
- Package
- Property
- Attribute
- AssociationRole
Explanation: If the model element is of the stated type, this filter criterium evaluates to true.
NOTE: Using ‘Property’, the filter will evaluate to true for both attributes and association roles.
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none – the model element is assumed to match this filter
Model element stereotype
Type: string with regular expression (using the syntax supported by Java)
Explanation: If one of the stereotypes of a given model element matches the regular expression, this filter criterium evaluates to true.
NOTE: Stereotypes are recognized via their well-known form only, not via their aliases (see ShapeChange Stereotypes for further information). The regular expression must be defined accordingly. Also note that this filter criterium does not support a combined check of multiple stereotypes (e.g. to ensure that a model element has both stereotype A and B).
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none – the model element is assumed to match this filter
Model element owner name
(since v2.4.0)
Type: string with regular expression (using the syntax supported by Java)
Explanation: If the name of the owner of the given model element matches the regular expression, this filter criterium evaluates to true.
The filter only applies to model elements that (can) have an owner:
- The owner of a property is the class to which the property belongs.
- The owner of class is the package that contains it.
- The owner of a package is the package that contains it.
If a model element has no owner (the element is an association or root package), the filter automatically evaluates to true.
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none – the model element is assumed to match this filter
Model element owner stereotype
(since v2.11.0)
Type: string with regular expression (using the syntax supported by Java)
Explanation: If a stereotype of the owner of the given model element matches the regular expression, this filter criterium evaluates to true.
The filter only applies to model elements that (can) have an owner:
- The owner of a property is the class to which the property belongs.
- The owner of class is the package that contains it.
- The owner of a package is the package that contains it.
If a model element has no owner (the element is an association or root package), the filter automatically evaluates to true.
NOTE: Stereotypes are recognized via their well-known form only, not via their aliases (see ShapeChange Stereotypes for further information). The regular expression must be defined accordingly. Also note that this filter criterium does not support a combined check of multiple stereotypes (e.g. to ensure that a model element has both stereotype A and B).
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none – the model element is assumed to match this filter
Property value type stereotype
Type: string with regular expression (using the syntax supported by Java)
Explanation: If the given model element is a property and one of the stereotypes of the value type of the property matches the regular expression, this filter criterium evaluates to true. If the model element is not a property, the filter automatically evaluates to true.
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none – the model element is assumed to match this filter
Application schema name
Type: string with regular expression (using the syntax supported by Java)
Explanation: If the name of the application schema that a given model element belongs to matches the regular expression, this filter criterium evaluates to true. This criterium is useful in case that processing shall only be applied to model elements within a specific application schema.
NOTE: If the model element type is association, then the application schema name filter will be matched if the name of the application schema of (at least) one of the classes at the association ends or – if it exists – the association class matches the regular expression.
Required / optional: optional
Default value: none – the model element is assumed to match this filter
Setting of the following tagged values adds information about the DGIWG Spatial Profile implemented by the MyAppSchema application schema to the model. More specifically, the tagged values are set on the package with (normalized) stereotype “application schema” and name “MyAppSchema”.
<taggedValues> <TaggedValue name="dgiwgComplianceLevel" value="L1_3D" modelElementStereotype="(?i:application schema)" modelElementName="MyAppSchema"/> <TaggedValue name="dgiwgGMLProfileSchema" value="" modelElementStereotype="(?i:application schema)" modelElementName="MyAppSchema"/> </taggedValues>
Setting Model Generation Date and Time
The time that a model has been transformed by ShapeChange can be added to the model.
More specifically, ShapeChange adds the “generationDateTime” tagged value for each selected application schema (selection can be controlled via parameters on the <input> configuration element, e.g. the paramter appSchemaName – see the “input” element documentation for further information). The value is a time instant in UTC with the format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z’.
In order to configure this functionality, simply add a <ProcessParameter> element to the configuration of a transformer, with the attribute “name” set to “setGenerationDateTimeTaggedValue” and the attribute “value” set to “true”.
<parameters> <ProcessParameter name="setGenerationDateTimeTaggedValue" value="true"/> </parameters>
Parsing and Validating Constraints
(since v2.2.0)
A model transformation (for example profiling) can modify the model in such a way that constraints – especially OCL and FOL constraints – are no longer valid. By default, ShapeChange parses and validates constraints when postprocessing a transformed model.
Invalid constraints are converted into simple text constraints, so that processing can proceed. However, warnings in the log will identify invalid constraints (together with the reason why they are invalid). The user can then either modify the input model (e.g. constraint definitions), the transformations (e.g. profiling), or the output (if there were only minor issues).
Parsing and validating constraints of a transformed model can help prevent errors.
However, the functionality can also be skipped by including rule-trf-all-postprocess-skip-constraint-validation in the rules of a particular transformation. This can be useful if constraints of transformed models are irrelevant for target processing (i.e., the derivation of the final output).
(since v2.10.0)
By default, the ShapeChange OCL parser does not support navigating across non-navigable association roles, which is an optional feature according to the OCL standard. By setting the value of the navigatingNonNavigableAssociationsWhenParsingOcl parameter to true, navigation across non-navigable association roles while parsing OCL during a transformation – or when an internal copy of the input model is created for the transformation – is enabled.
Selecting the Schemas to Process
(since v2.6.0)
When processing a model, the default behavior of ShapeChange is to process all schemas contained in that model. The typical use case, however, is that a specific (set of) application schema(s) shall be processed, and that other schemas – like the ISO schemas – merely provide type definitions. The following configuration parameters are used to select the set of schemas to process: appSchemaName, appSchemaNameRegex, and appSchemaNamespaceRegex. They are typically set in the input configuration, and that is the default place for ShapeChange to look for them. However, a transformer configuration can also define one or more of these parameters. If it does, then ShapeChange will use the parameters from the transformer configuration, rather than the input configuration, to select the schemas to be processed by the transformer.